Memories built for a lifetime


Choose to connect with nature in a more alternative and a bit old-fashioned way. Try experiencing agritourism activities. Get to know the land, its fruits, its products


Get in touch with the culture, habits, history, traditions of the place you visit, observe different colors and smell local fragrances


Give yourself the opportunity to relax, focus on your inner peace and invest your time only with quality…

In an era where the pressure of time is suffocating, take a breath.

Breathe outside the clean mountain air by hiking, walk by the rivers, ride a bike, dive deeply discovering the lost Atlantis, go fishing, wander, smell, feel….


I have always loved traveling in my life. It is my precious time away from the pressure of everyday life. It' s the oxygen I need to go back to my everyday routine. I like filling my batteries, with sweet memories and new experiences. However, there is also a need in my inner self to’ feel ‘the place I visit, as home, not as a simple visit not as a sightseeing…. I appreciate a good chat, a delicious homemade traditional meal, a story by the lips of a local grandmother, who is sending me to secret areas and gems to discover…. I have caught myself asking everywhere. The waiter in the tavern, people working in the grocery store and the butcher shop, locals on the street to "give" me this something special…. Not the apparent that my trip and my vacation will offer, but the surprise in a warmer and more familiar dimension. Something that reminds me of my childhood. Something plain and authentic. My own and inner need gave birth to the idea of organizing visits and trips so as everyone experiences all the above…..This is how itoor was born…devoted to magic…

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